Real-time info for buses (public transport) for the city of Patra (Greece)Information on routes, timetables and stops for urban transport (buses) in P
Real-time info for buses (public transport) for the city of Patra (Greece)
Information on routes, timetables and stops for urban transport (buses) in Patra.
Bus arrival reminder:
* Receive notification for a bus arrival.
Schedules & Arrivals in real time:
* Routes. See real-time location of buses.
* Route arrivals for stops.
Travel direction:
* The Patra bus app find the nearest bus stop and provides real time info about arrivals and bus locations and suggests the best route to your destination.
* Select departure, destination and time of departure or arrival and receive direction for the optimal route using public transportation (bus).
If you have questions or comments, please email us at [email protected]
Please note that the application requires access to mobile data and works best with enabled location service.